Your comments

The current system creates a static version of the homepage from WordPress every 10 minutes leading to the delay. Ideally we would like to serve the homepage directly from WordPress and OIT is investigating ways to do this without compromising performance. This is highly likely to happen with the redesign if not sooner. :)

The current theme (developed prior to the current Brand Standards) uses Google Fonts: Oswald and Lato. and body system font Arial/Sans Serif. These font choices were grandfathered into the Brand Standards for web use.

For the future redesign we will align as closely as possible to our official Boise State fonts Gotham and Garamond. There is a Google Font alternative to Garamond called EB Garamond and some Gotham alternatives - possibly Arimo? This will take some investigation to ensure we are getting as close as we can to the Brand approved fonts

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing this. I also found which has a nice showcase of uses.

Very compelling article on the Hamburger Menu by James Archer Hint: He's not a fan and here's why

Found this article today. Really does a great job discussing the history, uses, misuses and examples of the hamburger/off canvas menu. "The Genius and Potential Dangers of the Hamburger Icon"