
Hidden Navigation Menus Yay or Nay?

Teri Williams 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 4
Hidden navigation has been around for a while in mobile design but it's seen more and more on the desktop as well. Vote or post examples below and share your thoughts about this design trend. One example to get things started http://www.squarespace.com/ See "hamburger" menu (3 horizontal lines) in upper right corner. Click the hamburger and the local navigation menu pops in from the right.
I think that is really cool and nice and clean. My concern would be how intuitive it would be to know about the hamburger.
I think most people by now know about the hamburger menu - it's ubiquitous across the Internet.
Under review
Found this article today. Really does a great job discussing the history, uses, misuses and examples of the hamburger/off canvas menu. "The Genius and Potential Dangers of the Hamburger Icon"


Very compelling article on the Hamburger Menu by James Archer Hint: He's not a fan and here's why http://deep.design/the-hamburger-menu/