Looping Video Backgrounds - All the rage? Or outrageous?

Teri Williams 10 years ago updated by Michael Lopez 9 years ago 3
Large looping videos like this http://www.sjprep.org/ started showing up on the web a while back and quickly grew in popularity. PayPal was one of the first, but it seems they and others have already moved away from it. Vote, post examples and discuss pros and cons in this thread.
I think these videos look really cool. However, I'm curious how they work if someone has a slower connection. Sometimes my work wireless isn't the fastest and I was wondering if having a video would slow down pages with this kind of feature?
I think they are great and all the rage when used well. I like this from the Payette River Games: http://www.payetterivergames.com/
And I like that you can scroll below for more content and the video goes away.
www.paypal.com's is good and stops after awhile now. http://thebuildfilm.com/ is the most elaborate I've seen, hundreds of megs of video which of course isn't transmitted on their mobile site. I think this was done in flash and used the google flash translator to port it to html5...