Slider / Slideshow Alternatives? Modern Trends

Teri Williams 10 years ago updated by Wendy Fox 9 years ago 2
On the current boisestate.edu website we use A LOT of sliders/slideshows. Sliders can add visual interest, and showcase important information about the university, your department or college. The downside is that the large images can cause slow page loads (especially problematic on mobile) and users may only see the first slide or first few if we're lucky. Let's use this thread to brainstorm ideas for alternatives to slideshows!
I'd love to have image compression happen on upload to speed slide load times.
I'd also LOVE LOVE LOVE a better easier way to make them. I haven't looked specifically for another slider tool, but I have used this before on a Wordpress site http://www.slidedeck.com/ It does support Video.